When it comes to music, marketing and branding are vital as it aids in the development of your reputation and identity as an artist. A consistent and integrated brand becomes more identifiable and assists the proper audience in connecting with you. A consistent brand also aids in the development of trust and loyalty among your present followers and collective. With that being said, your first form of marketing outside of yourself, is your artist biography.
If you're an artist looking to get into the music industry, you've probably heard of the term "artist bio". While it may appear simple to those just starting out in their careers, a bio is one of the most important elements of an artist's marketing package. Whether you write your own artist bio or hire someone else to do it for you, having a bio ready to send out with your music has numerous advantages.
A bio, which is short for "biography," is a synopsis of an artist's story that is read before the music is played. In fact, for starters, your Artist Biography is important for viewers who want to learn more about you and your artistry. It explains what makes you distinctive and educates them about the path you took to get to where you are now as an artist.
It is a thorough depiction of an artist's life, with a bevy of aspects that form a picture of what listeners might expect along the way. Any readers of your bio should leave with a good sense of who you are, where you're from, and what drives you to succeed in music.
It will include information about your sound and upbringing, as well as your accomplishments, inspirations, current and upcoming projects, any associations or collaborations you've created with other collaborators, organizations or businesses. In addition to even how you spend your free time. If you want to make music as a career, consider your bio to be your resumé. Your bio will be valuable in a variety of situations and opportunities, but it is primarily designed as a marketing tool as part of your complete brand package. The majority of the time, your bio is required in four specific situations:
Branding – Your bio can easily live on your website, social media, digital streaming platforms, or your electronic press kit. Essentially, it should be featured anywhere that your audience can access you and your music or projects.
Press – Having a bio ready will be incredibly useful in order to engage interviews, profiles, stories and any other platforming that come your way.
Appearances – Live performances, speaking engagements and music placements are all circumstances where your bio will be helpful to increasing your reach and audience.
Sponsorships & Funding – If you’re hoping to do outreach for fundraising, your bio can help you land potential grants, loans, investments and crowdsourcing.
One of the most crucial aspects of artists' careers that they often ignore is the construction of their image. As shallow as it may appear, an artist's image and clever, integrated branding play a significant part in success.
For example, in today's social media-dominated world, potential fans often come across your image before hearing one of your songs. As a result, a profile photo or the lack of having a bio or EPK (electronic press kit) could be the thing preventing you from gaining additional listeners. Artists can and should begin creating their brand with a minimum of 1-3 HD photos and an artist biography for pitching purposes. With these essentials, yourself or your team can pitch you properly to promoters, publications, labels, and many more. Additional resources such as social media sites and apps, simple website builders, and graphic design tools can further elevate your career. In doing so, you’ll be able to utilize these resources to build up your repertoire while gaining recognition in regards to your art and craft to a wider range of audiences.
Although creating your brand may seem difficult at first, especially if the idea of selling yourself does not seem all that easy, it is essential. A good artist's branding reveals their style, interests, and personality while also aligning with their music, values, and overall message. Artists must build a recognizable, engaging image with which to associate themselves. Whether it's through bios, social media and websites, merchandising, logos or signature sounds and styles, etc — the first impression is the most important!
Overall, without a bio, you leave a lot of space for speculation and disconnect from individuals who can help you grow your career. While your music should take center stage, your bio will let key individuals and fans relate to your story, and they will want to see you win just as much as you do. Allowing fans, both current and future, a glimpse inside your journey allows you to direct the trailer before they hear your musical feature presentation.