Hey teasippers , it's your girl kanika sin-e aka the pretty hustler . The silent celeb done started something with the music video reviews. I usually don’t like to critique an artists creative approach to their own work , but if you really think about it that's why artist put out music videos for their songs . They create these videos to put a visual experience together for their fans and I think Kyah baby did exactly that with the song “ Cat5” produced by Show tyme on the beat . In case you have no idea who I’m talking about (which is highly unlikely) directly underneath this paragraph is a link to the interview I did with her at her mixtape release party.
Most people like to put artist with Kyah talent in a box. They like to believe that an artist with her lyrical skill set should only be doing a certain type of genre. Unfortunately, Kyah is among a lot of new rappers that are coming up now that are going to change the hip hop culture . Some feel like it’s a change for the better and others feel like it’s a complete alter in history. Although this isn't the most lyrical song I’ve heard of Kyah' s, it happens to be one of my favorites on the mixtape “Sincerely Kyah” .
Now the video for “ Cat5” was definitely giving me a few vibes. I liked the fact that there was a direct story behind it . In the beginning of the video Kyah is on the what looks to be a bathroom floor with a bottle on the side of her . She definitely looked like she had one hell of a crazy night before. Then Kyah gets a call from her friend (Jackie) telling her it’s time to go and fuck up the city . It reminded me of every night I’ve got a call from my best friend ready to get me into whatever shit she could and probably fuck up some poor guys heart which is exactly what Kyah and her friend did . Kyah gets dressed with the help of her friend Jackie who also happens to be a stylist so it’s no coincidence that Kyah looked extra slayed in this video . They enter into a club where they spot an attractive guy (victim) to lure away from the party . The whole time I’m watching this party like “ my guy really thought he was getting some cheeks tonight”. Once they leave the club and reach the hotel room the ladies end up being the only ones scoring that night .
Kyah and Jackie end up leaving with the victims cash and are on to the next prey still “fucking the whole city up”.
Ultimately the work that Kyah , Jackie , Truelight films and Teddy Pal did on this video really painted a clear visual of what every ladies night should be like . We should all be slayed to the nines and leaving with our money in our pockets and then some . Needless to say this motion picture deserves your attention.
Click this link and check it out .
Also if you haven't already done so make sure you follow Kyah baby and myself on ig.